Complimentary Branding Virtual Consultancy

Let's work together to inject trust back into your business and, in turn, increase your sales. We can equip you with all the design know-how you'll need to ensure the right people stop and take notice.


Has your brand been tweaked little and often? If so, it probably no longer feels like the brand you fell in love with! Our consultancy can help. We believe it is so important to take a step back and look at the big picture. We can asses your goals, dreams and current design collateral.


Design can be a huge investment and commitment! We totally get it. Whether you're just starting out in the industry or you're a small business looking to implement a new design strategy, it can be difficult to know where to turn. No one wants to be misunderstood or ripped off. 

That is why we're offering bite-size consultancy sessions for those who want to share a few ideas in a supportive and relaxed environment with no strings attached. Not only will you receive a virtual session with us, you'll also receive a 5-Point Introductory Design Action Plan after the session to build the confidence to create!


We provide consultancy for biz-bosses in order to catapult their brand to the next level! Secure your booking with Buttercrumble today, and you will receive:

  • A virtual session of your choosing (Skype/Email) tailored exclusively for you through Buttercrumble's brand discovery activity.
  • Your brand essence. This is a selection of 5 emotive words which encapsulate your personality and purpose.
  • A 5 point plan so you know what steps you need to take in order to build a brand that creates fans.


We can work with you, the Biz Boss, to provide you with a free consultancy session and design action plan.

Let’s chat at your convenience! We understand life is busy (especially when you’re running a business) which is why we offer two session types.

Skype Sessions

Chat from the comfort of your home. Skype can be a great tool to share brand visuals and explain any complex challenges. Our Skype sessions are 30 minutes long and we’ll email you within 48 hours of your order to confirm a convenient time slot.

After our Skype session, you’ll receive a 5 Point Action Plan with Brand Essence References via email.

Email Sessions

Take the time to put your thoughts into writing with our email sessions. When ordering you’ll be prompted to complete a short form. Please try to provide as much information about your brand as possible in order for us to help you. You will then have the opportunity to ask us any questions unique to your needs before receiving a 5 Point Action Plan with Brand Essence references via email.


How a Static Brand Can Hurt Your Business


York Fashion Week: Create a Look Book Workshop