How to Set Strong Foundations Before Your Web Design and Build

Your website is your calling card. It's your brand's internet home. If you don't have an online platform, how do you expect your audience to connect with you? We believe in the power of storytelling through digital design. However, there are some key points to consider before diving headfirst into the web design process.

Here are our five tips on how you can set strong foundations to optimise the success of your dream website...

Buttercrumble Web Design Agency Studio Leeds Yorkshire

  1. Ask why? Again and again...
    What's the aim of your website? Why are you building it? Surely there's a reason why your business requires an online presence, so ensure your website is meeting those aims. Write down the ultimate action you want a visitor to take when using your website and always keep this in mind. Based on the aim of the website, explore your needs and wants. Which website features are non-negotiable objectives in your grand scheme?

  2. Be branding ready
    For businesses without design, they have no brand and therefore no identity! Yikes! Surely you want to be memorable and recognisable? This is why strong brand identity is important. It also makes decision making easier when designing your website. For example, you already have a chosen colour palette, brandmark and tone of voice. It's just a case of implementing those.

  3. Bank your professional photography
    Now you have your brand, it's time to create a bank or suite of professional imagery. When publishing photography, you must have the rights to do so. That's why we recommend hiring a professional photographer or using high-quality stock images that match your brand's aesthetic. There are several stylish stock photography websites out there which provide royalty-free images. Our favourite is Unsplash.

  4. Content? Copy that!
    You need content to populate your website. It's time to get copywriting. Begin to map out the different pages of your website and what information needs to be displayed on each page. Ensure copywriting matches your brand's tone of voice. According to advertising legend, David Ogilvy: "the more informative your advertising content, the more persuasive it will be".

  5. Explore platforms to host your website
    WordPress, Shopify and Squarespace are just some of the website platforms out there. Buttercrumble is proud to be involved in the Squarespace Circle. This means we have experience of creating beautifully optimised and accessible websites. There are benefits from partnering with a Squarespace Circle partner, such as extended trials and 20% discount.* Do get in touch to learn more!

Above: at Buttercrumble, we have designed the above websites with passion and inspiration in mind. Digital marketing through the use of websites and social media is applicable for most (if not all) businesses.

You can use these five points to support yourself or a professional designer, to get the best out of your web design and build. At Buttercrumble, we design a range of websites. We are based in Leeds, Yorkshire, but act as brand guardians for organisations across the UK and internationally. If you have a question about preparing for your website build, please do get in touch for complimentary, no-obligation guidance. We're here for you.

*Information correct at the time of publication.


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