
Rise above the noise and let your voice be heard. Our mural and ambient graphic design can launch your organisation on a bigger stage so you can amplify your voice.

Increase store traffic and footfall

We partnered with Arts at the Old Fire Station in Oxford to create a cohesive brand experience through marketing collateral to retail space. A strong visual identity can bolster brand recognition.

The brand identity was applied to the retail space through an impactful mural and window design. The scale of the graphics are designed to grab attention, and attract passing footfall into the store. Learn more about the project here.

Boost social media engagement

Buttercrumble were commissioned by the premium children’s trade show, Playtime Paris, to create a large-scale mural. The artwork was inspired by the show’s theme of “family” and encouraged audience participation. The mural was shared on social media, boosting engagement, by a number of influencers such as @sissi_mum.

Learn more about our trip to Playtime Paris here.

Become a go-to destination

Buttercrumble created a giant snakes and ladders board (over 20m) for the Royal Armouries. The interactive game – themed to the Armouries' collection – increased visitor numbers over the Easter holiday period.

The supergraphics were designed and illustrated by Buttercrumble before being printed on vinyl and then arranged on the plaza at Leeds Dock. Learn more about the project here.